Increase battery life of your mobile phone

In today's modern digital time mobile phone has become an important part of everyone's life.  We cannot even imagine our daily life without internet and smartphone . Whenever one has to get some information, Google does it immediately but the problem will be occurs when the mobile battery goes dead at important work time. Nowdays in most of the mobile phones mobile company give extra attention to battery life as per customer demand . Today I am going to tell you some tips that will keep the mobile phone battery running for maximum duration of time. 1.Charge in limit When the percentage of the battery is below 20%, then put the battery in charge and remove it, from the charge when it reaches 80-90%.  Never try to charge the battery 100%.Because lithium-ion batteries come under the most stress when they’re fully charged or fully drained the best approach is partial charging. This affects the life of the battery. 2.Avoid usin...

Indian education system

In ancient times, India had the Gurukula system of education in which anyone who wished to study went to a teacher's house and live and study there  .
The Indian education system is running on a very old pattern.  Years ago, the way education was going on, it is going on the same way today.  Where the world has come far from old days, but there is no change in this thing.  Even today in India, Marks is kept above skill.  Memorize the whole book in exam and write an answer, wheather you understand it or not .
In school the student who answer questions in the language of book is considered as a right answer rather than h pratical answer in which less book terms are used .today the whole education system is not a system to provide education or grow your knowledge it is only for take degree.There is no space for creative learning and thinking and students are always bound to a specific syllabus and are not really encouraged to go out and about their seems.Education pattern of india is divided into different category :-
Primary school 
 Class 1-5 which is called as a primary school where younger kids study .normally they are under 12 years old.
Upper primary 
Class 6-8 which is called as a upper primary or middle school.
High school or  Higher secondary 
Class 9-10 or 11-12 which are called as a high school or higher secondary respectively.
After higher secondary most of the students in india consider to study and complete their graduation . Normally it takes 3-4 years to complete graduation as per your subject .
The Government of India is well aware of the problems in the Indian education system, but has been slow in responding to them. School infrastructure is in a poor state .many parents of india have no money to send their children in school .so, indian government provide free education to them . To Increase the rate of present student government of india started a mid day meal yojna in all primary and upper primary school .Scholarships are given to poor children.  Uniforms are also provided to all. 
Even after doing all this, education system is a matter of concern today.In rural area most of the children basically girls do not complete their study .Today many people could not understand the value of education .It’s high time India starts investing in more modernized methods of teaching (and learning). The government along with teachers and parents needs to work together on this to start implementing it at the base level.


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