Whenever someone is ever asked to give speeches or sermons in public or someone has to give a presentasion, there is always some fear or doubt in the mind of every person. I will tell you some things that will improve your public speaking skills and end your doubts about yourself. You will feel confident
You will feel that the audience is listening carefully to you .
1.Practice will reduce your nervousness
Whenever you have to give a presentation and you are feeling nervous, first of all remember the points that are most important or you have to speak and give your speech by standing in front of the mirror, this will give you confidence.
2.Try to connect with your audience
The words your use, the choice of language, the punch lines, the sense of humor and more should all be considerate of the people sitting in the audience. The audience will be much more attentive and responsive when they hear the message being spoken in a language they are familiar with without the use of any jargons.
3.Make eye contact to audience
In the crowd of viewers, you will find some such faces that by seeing that you feel that they are listening carefully to you,Always try to maintain eye contact to audience as much as possible.
4.Be yourself
If you are an introvert then don’t force yourself to deliver a speech by jumping around and being loud-embrace your personality and tangle it within your content. The audience can detect the forced expression if you are faking an accent.
5. Aware with your gesture
Your mouth may be saying one thing but your body and hands might be saying something so be aware of how you portray your body. Don’t wring your hands, slouch, standing on one leg, leaning on a wall or indulge in any other gesture which may give away your nervousness to the audience.try to stand straight . Walk a little while speaking. Express your words with your hands and face to emphasize your feelings .
6. Voice control
Your voice is the most important tool you will use as a public speaker. One simple way to improve your voice is by learning to breathe fully and deeply from your diaphragm.It also reduces feelings of breathlessness caused by speech anxiety
7. Delivery of speech
When it comes to public speaking, delivery is everything. Even if you have a great voice and great body language . When it comes to public speaking, delivery is everything. your message will get lost if the audience can't easily follow what you say.
Speak slowly, but not too slowly. Talk too fast and your audience will have a hard time understanding you.
Pause between ideas. Great public speakers often pause for two to three seconds or even longer. A well-placed pause gives the audience time to digest what you are saying.
Avoid as much as possible words like -uh,like ,you know. It will distract audience .
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